We all have bad days—those moments when nothing seems to go right, and the weight of stress feels overwhelming. Whether it’s a challenging situation at work, a conflict with a loved one, or simply a day where everything feels off, it’s important to know that recovery is possible. In this guide, we’ll explore practical strategies to help you bounce back quickly, regain your balance, and turn things around. After all, a bad day doesn’t have to define your week or your mindset. Let’s dive into some simple yet powerful steps to help you recover and feel better fast.
1) Take A Minute To Regroup
Before you take on the tasks at the end of your day, take a few minutes to calm yourself. This can help you change mental gears so that you don’t continue into your evening with a stressed out or agitated mood. Whether you live alone, married or married with children, you want to be able to enjoy your evenings and prepare for hopefully, a better day tomorrow.
2) Give Yourself A Pep Talk
When you use language such as, “This has been a horrible day” or “I am exhausted” you aren’t helping clear your mind. That language will only make things worse. Instead, tell yourself things like, “I’m fine”, “I have boundless energy”, “Keep pressing on” or “I’ve got this.”
3) Listen to Something Funny Or Watch A Funny Video
Laughter is always good medicine. It is very easy to find comedy nowadays thanks to the power of the internet. Go to websites like YouTube, Spotify, Pandora and similar websites and type in the word comedy.
4) Take A Shower Or Get A Bath
This will help improve your mood by physically cleaning up and getting into a fresh change of clothes and it psychologically helps by washing off the stress of the day.
5) Take A Different Way Home
As you pull out of the parking lot of your place of employment, decide to turn in a different direction as a twist to your predictable route. This helps break you out of the predictable trance of routine and forces your brain to increase its level of awareness and alertness.
6) Figure Out What You Could Do Different Next Time
I suggest you develop some questions to ask yourself after a bad day such as, “What can I do tomorrow to ensure a better day?” “What can I learn from today’s experience?” or “How I can have a better attitude about _______ (my job, my relationship, my life, etc.).
7) Eat A Good Meal
You are what you eat so eat something that nourishes your mind and body. Comfort food usually ends up being regret food.
8) Exercise Or Go For A Walk
If you already do these then you know the power of physical activity. People who don’t exercise know this is good advice but are quick to ignore this commonsense and helpful guidance. I suggest if you aren’t accustomed to physical activity, please try this for 10 days and see what happens. You can always quit, but why don’t you give exercise a fair chance. Motion creates emotion. If you want to feel better, simply get moving and your emotions will automatically lift.
9) Listen To Music. Music calms the savage beast
Music can have a significant impact on how you are feeling and is easy to tap into. Some genres can bring you up in mood and others can calm you down immediately.
10) Think Of Things You Are Grateful For
Whenever you get to thinking that your life is awful, it is a good idea to remember all of the blessings you have around. Even if you don’t like your job; at least you have one.
11) Phone A Friend
A good conversation or a quick venting session can be very beneficial to changing your mood. Listening to your friend’s troubles or concerns can also help change your focus from your problems to theirs.
12) Plan Out Your Tomorrow
If you mismanaged your time or resources today then creating a better plan for tomorrow can give you some peace of mind.
13) Go Out With Friends
Getting out of your normal routine can restore you to your fullest. Call up some of your buddies and try to coordinate dinner plans. A good movie can always help you escape some of your stress from a “bad day”.
14) Do Something For Someone Else
One of the best ways to take your mind off your troubles is to seek out someone who could use some of your help. Unfortunately, it is not very hard to find someone in need of help. Just look around.
15) Best Job I’ve Ever Had
At the end of the World War II movie “Fury” starring Brad Pitt, his group of tank soldiers are nearly defeated in spirit as they still have to face an incredible battle ahead and one of the soldiers says, “Best job I’ve ever had!” Then another one says it. Then another; until they all join in. It quickly turns their attitude around. I always recommend a positive affirmation over a complaint or negative outlook. Speak life and hope into your world. Best Of Wishes!
Mark Webb is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in private practice at Oakwood Counseling Center in Valdosta. He is the author of How To Be A Great Partner and How To Argueproof Your Relationship. Read more of his articles at www.TheRelationshipSpecialist.com