“If you don’t get up every morning with a burning desire to start your day, then you don’t have big enough goals.” ~ Mark Webb
1) Start Off With The Basic Elements Of Goal Setting.
Goals need to be specific, measurable, attainable, inspiring and have a time of completion. Once you take the time to write down your goals, you have started the process of changing the invisible into the visible. The intangible to the tangible. “I will lose 25lbs. by June 1st.” is an example.
2) Set Meaningful Goals That Will Change Your Life For The Better.
It is good to be productive but it is better to have goals that serve a purpose. You want your goals to improve you spiritually, physically, emotionally, financially, etc.
3) Set Goals That Make You Happy.
It is hard to stick with a goal that you hate. If you know you hate to exercise, then going to the gym is going to be a major pain. Figure out a way to enjoy the process and you will be more likely to stick with your goal. Go walking instead or focus more on lifestyle changes if you hate the gym. Maybe later on, you will want to give the gym a chance. Be willing to force yourself to get out of your comfort zone for best results.
4) Think Big.
Set Goals That Will Inspire You. If you aren’t excited, if you aren’t fired up, if you don’t have some kind of passion about your goal, then it’s probably not the right goal for you. Having goals that you are passionate about will give you something to look forward to each and every morning when you wake up.
5) Be Resilient.
You try, you fail, you learn, and you try again. That’s the process.
6) Nobody’s Path Has Been Simple Or Easy.
You can’t expect yours to be either. You most likely will fail at least once in your pursuit of making your dream a reality. You may fail numerous times. It is all part of the process. Go ahead and factor this into your plan and don’t get discouraged when it does happen.
7) Constantly Be Looking For Things That Can Help You Achieve Your Goal.
If you keep your goal in the forefront of your mind, you will be surprised at all of the resources and opportunities that “magically” appear. There are articles and books or people who can teach you the skills needed with just the right information. They will appear. You just have to keep your eyes and mind open to these resources that are and have been all around you.
8) It’s Not What Happens To You… It’s What You Do About It.
Stop focusing on bad things that have happened to you or how life seems to be against you. Focus on what you have and what you can do with what you have.
9) Does Your Goal Have To Be Realistic?
Most writers on this subject encourage your goal to be realistic so that you can achieve the desired outcome. I find that it is oftentimes better to set an outrageous or seemingly impossible goal because it holds a greater level of inspiration and makes you realize that you must focus more of your energy if it is going to happen. Bruce Lee once said, “A goal is not always meant to be reached; it often serves simply as something to aim at.” I think that what you become along the way is often more important than actually achieving the goal.
10) There’s Only Do Or Don’t Do. Action is essential.
If you aren’t pleased with your progress, then either adjust your goal to fit your expectation or put more action towards the completion of your desired outcome. Action eliminates doubt about what you can achieve. The stronger your effort, the stronger your belief will become that you can achieve your goal.
11) Not Every One Will Share Your Enthusiasm.
Some people, surprisingly friends and family members, will have something negative to say about the goal or goals you have set. If you know this is true, be careful with whom you share these goals with. You don’t need their negative input especially when you may be struggling with your own internal sense of doubt. Conversely, you can accept their words as a challenge and consider using their negative commentary as a source of motivation.
12) You Will Learn Things About Yourself You Never Knew Before.
The best part of goal setting is what you will become as a result of the pursuit of your goal. The achievement of the goal is nice but the unexpected aspects, like an increase in confidence or a great sense of peace is the true prize of goal setting.
13) It Is Best If You Set Self-Actualizing Goals.
Your goals need to be about making you a better you. Strive to make a contribution to the world in some manner. Strive to spiritually grow or to emotionally transcend your past circumstances.
14) Be Prepared To Constantly Tweak Your Action Plan.
Things rarely go as planned or hoped for. When you are doing something for the first time, you should expect a lot of adjustments in your plans. Don’t allow this to aggravate you or discourage you. Expect this as part of the process.
Mark Webb is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in private practice at Oakwood Counseling Center in Valdosta. He is the author of How To Be A Great Partner and How To Argueproof Your Relationship. Read more of his articles at www. TheRelationshipSpecialist.com